Here Is Why You Should Consider The Northern Lights This Evening: It Has Only Happened Once Before In The States.

Tasnim Nusayba
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Here Is Why You Should Consider The Northern Lights This Evening: It Has Only Happened Once Before In The States.

If viewing the Northern Lights is still on your bucket list, that is, if you happen to be residing in the United States, then it is probably the best shot you have ever had. The Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis is often visible only at polar regions but courtesy of an unusual strong geomagnetic storm it may be seen for large parts of the U.S. this very night.

This blog is going to discuss why this particular event is important, where else can you catch the Northern Lights, how can you plan your visit better and what is the natural phenomenon that causes this wonderful sight.


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Why Is It So Important To View The Northern Lights Tonight?

The Northern Lights are displayed when solar winds containing charged particles collide with the magnetic field of the Earth. The mother earth then becomes a night sky for a spectacular light display. On usual circumstances, the particles are concentrated more towards the poles, thus the aroras are mostly experienced in countries such as Alaska, Canada and even Scandinavia. But, tonight’s Northern Lights is not like this. Tap for watch northern light!

 Unprecedented Solar Hyperactivity

Due to an unusually large solar storm that hit the Earth recently, also referred to as a coronal mass ejection (CME), there has been an uptick of geomagnetic activity, which is going to push the aurora southwards than it usually does. Which means that the northern most states in the Us as well as a few southern territories might get the exceptional chance of witnessing the Northern lights even for the short time. Such kinds of solar instances do not occur frequently which is why the display tonight is one not to be missed.

The Infrequency of Occurrence of the Event in the USA

Outside of Alaska and the northern sections of the United States, experiencing the Northern Lights can be termed as an event that happens once in a century. Solar storms of this scale may only occur about once or twice a decade, if even that. Such makes the aurora display tonight in the lower forty-eight, a priceless display for those without the ability to venture north to Alaska. If you happen to be in any areas that are to the north of such states as Montana, Minnesota, or Michigan for instance, it shall be available for you. Even states that are as south as Iowa or Pennsylvania may for just a brief moment of time, visually experience such lights depending on the weather. See aurora event!

 Why Disciplines Make It Always Appropriate to Focus on Timing

Geomagnetic storms tend to subside within a very short period of time ten years from now might be the only night in our lifetime that you will get to see the Northern Lights in the us. Their occurrence is very rarely forecasted so if you today happen to be one of those lucky people who are having such a show tonight please make sure that you go outside and enjoy it. For a few such occurrences in fact throughout history have occurred when the Northern Lights were spotted as low down the United States as Texas and thus there is coverage that this event should not be missed at all. Read more.

 In Which Locations in the USA Tonight will the Northern Lights Be Visible

Location is one of the subjective conditions for watching the Northern Lights. If you are in the northern part of the USA, you will have a better chance of spotting the auroras.

Regions with the highest probability of visibility of the Northern lights.

Here are some forecasts of magnetic activity, which predict the areas most favorable for watching Northern Lights:

Alaska: As always, Alaska will remain one of the best locations to see the aurora.

Northern Plains and Midwest: Today’s performance is translated in those regions: Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Northeast: The lights may be visible in the Northern areas of New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine as well.

Great Lakes Region: The state of Michigan as well as the northern part of Ohio may witness the Northern lights provided the conditions are right.

Farther South: If the storm is strong enough, there might be a sighting of the aurora in states such as Missouri, Kentucky or Virginia and others located further south.

Utilize a Northern Lights forecast map or mobile applications such as Aurora Forecast, to access and follow real-time information on which areas are most likely to experience the aurora. See aurora here!

 Effects of Light Pollution

In addition, light pollution is a significant determinant of the extent to which the Northern Lights can be viewed. For instance, if you reside in a big city or an environment filled with artificial lights, it is advisable to seek out an area where there is no light pollution. National parks, rural highways, and dedicated wildlife reserves are the best areas for enjoying the view and maximizing all possibilities. 

 Influence of Weather on Viewing Conditions

The Northern Lights can only be viewed with clear skies. In some circumstances, severe geomagnetic activity may be present but devoid of any heat. With high clouds, your chances of seeing the lights would be effectively nil. Always check the weather forecast for your local region, especially to know whether or not it will be clear tonight, and get ready to move if your region has cloudy weather. Sometimes instead of watching TV There are many applications like AccuWeather and Clear Outside that will tell you how many clouds are above you in which you want to see. Click here for update!

 How to Optimise your viewing Experience

Now that you are aware of the suitable places to visit, let’s discuss about how one can enjoy himself/herself well during the night spent in the middle of the auroras. Check out some wonderful place!

Best Time to See the Northern Lights Tonight

The Northern Lights may be sighted typically between the hours of 10:00 PM and 2:00 AM, but the specific time would vary with the viewer’s location and the intensity of the geomagnetic storm. Tonight's storm is expected to be more active at those hours, hence, you should be outside and looking up during that period.Do not despair – it may take quite a long time for the activity to start and then might only last a few minutes or several hours. The most important thing is to keep looking up at all times. 

 What to Bring for a Comfortable Experience

In order to enhance your experience when viewing the Northern Lights, here are some items that you can pack:

Warm Clothing: It is common for nightfall to be very cold especially in the countryside. Layer up and carry warm clothes, throw overs, or sleeping bags.

Camping Chairs: It can be frustrating to wait standing after some time. A foldable chair would help you comfortably wait for the lights.

Snacks and Hot Drinks: Provide some of your favorite snack as well as a thermos of either hot cocoa or coffee for warmth and energy.

Camera and Tripod: To photograph the silvery curtain of auroras, one needs to have a camera which has a manual option. Also, a tripod is very important as one has to use long exposures.  Also some accessories.

 Photographing the Northern Lights

While the Northern Lights may be difficult to capture on camera, there is great pleasure in doing so. Here are a few photography tips worth noting:

Use a Wide Angle Lens - This helps to include a bigger portion of the sky in a single frame.

Set a Long Exposure – auroras take time to complete their movements and hence a long exposure (10-30s) helps to enhance the details. 

Adjust ISO and Aperture – Increase ISO to 800-1600, and use f/2.8 scope or wider to take in more light in the camera.

Applications such as Aurora Alerts or My Aurora Forecast may also remind you to get the right camera gear whenever the aurora is in your vicinity. Watch auroras photograph ideas!

 The Science Behind the Northern Lights

The northern lights have their fair share of artistic value but equally are a subject of great intrigue scientifically.

 What Are The Northern Lights?

These phenomena are usually caused by disturbances in the magnetosphere caused by the solar wind that produces auroras.There are several processes involved in producing the colored light display associated with an aurora. When they reach the atmosphere, they interact with its basic constituents; oxygen and nitrogen and in some cases, particulates. That is, these particles collide with molecules in the atmosphere, mainly oxygen and nitrogen, and produce light, which results in the colored halos we call auroras. Explore unknown fact Aurora.

 The Many Aspects of the Northern Light Colors

The colors of the Njorthern light differs with respect to altitude and gas present at the level of the aurora.

Green: This is the most prevalent color that is due to the oxygen molecules found at an altitude of approximately 60 miles from the earth’s surface.

Purples, Reds and Blushes: These are caused by the nitrogen molecules and are more common with the higher altitudes.

Red: A rarer color ranges, the red is caused by extremely high altitudes where oxygen molecules exist.

 Understanding The Absence of Northern Lights In The USA

The magnetic field of the earth is a distinct feature in that it keeps solar particles through its vanes towards the poles, which is also the reason why the Northern Lights appear over regions such as Alaska or northern Canada only. Compiled by Solar Energy World, as the sun becomes more active, ‘these disturbances in the solar wind’s quiet state allow auroras to appear in more southern or lower latitudes as the energy produces light in the atmosphere above.’ This act explains why the occurrence of such an event this evening is extremely unique and a once there in a blue moon experience to those living in the continental US. Which lights are missing? 

If You Suffered a Loss in Observing the Northern Lights Tonight.

Supposing you have had the misfortune of being unable to witness this evening’s aurora spectacle, do not fret — there is always a next time for viewing the Northern Lights. Tap for here to watch!

 How Much Time Needed for the Northern Lights to Reappear?

The life of the sun is composed of several solar cycles each of which lasts for 11 years or more and contains phases of increased solar activity or waxing. Currently, we are in positioning potential apex activity of this solar cycle known as Solar Cycle 25, in about the year 2025. So we imply that this is an unusual phenomenon considering that there have been some occurrences of the phenomena that will be visible in the several coming years.

 Also the Northern Lights Can Be Watched on Different Days

If watching the Northern Lights is a matter of great importance, one might think of arranging the trip to Alaska, Canada, Iceland, or Norway.

On the Northern Lights: Cultural History and Myths

History has no shortage of the Northern Lights excitement and delight. Myth about auroras!

 Northern Lights in Indigenous Cultures

For example, bears many meanings for the Inuit people of Alaska, Canada, and even the Northern European countries: it is believed that the dancing lights are the spirits of their ancestors, or the lights serve as the signs from above. In Finland, for instance, it is said that the lights appear as 'revontulet' or fox fires where a magical fox sweeping the snow into the air with its tail produces the lights. 

Challenges and Communications in the Contemporary Context.

Today the Northern Lights remains a phenomenon that attracts geographers, artists and photographers as well as ordinary tourists. For many people, especially those who love nature, the sight of auroras is a spiritual ordeal that underlines the fact that nature can be both splendid and enigmatic. The sight of the Northern Lights tends to stay with a viewer for a long time-articulating that strong feeling is very much impossible. Facilities for tourists.

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In a slightly different tone, one can say that Today’s Northern Lights show is something any resident of the US. Depending on the area of residence – be it the northern most part or an area where there is hardly any chance of the annual light displays, this is one night that nobody would want to pass. Get your thermals on, find a secluded area away from the urban lights, and brace yourself for nature’s most spectacular show, ladies and gentlemen. This could be the best opportunity for all those who wish to witness the Northern Lights without taking an international trip. Booked your ticket now!

Well, what’s the hold-up? Rouse up your kin, and bundle up , step out and enjoy the Northern Lights this evening!

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